About this story When Harry is struck by lightning in the Black Forest(Schwarzwald), he gets stuck in a time warp. Since no one believes him that he experiences the same day over and over again, he...
[Random thoughts] Live for Your Self
Some thoughts on Life Attitude/What Other People Think, from a friend 做自己想做的任何事, 不用在意别人的看法 Changed a bit from the original: I didn’t go to some activities with my girlfriend/boyfriend and I di...
[Alexa Smart Food Scale] 00-Design and Implementation of a Voice Scale
Smart Kitchen device - VoiScale Do you keep a daily log of what you eat and how much you eat each day? Are you tracking progress toward your nutrition, fitness, weight loss and water goals? If that...
[Linux Driver Development] LDD Reading: Ch.3 Char Drivers
Chapter 3 Char Drivers Char drivers, block drivers, network drivers, the goal of this part is to understand and write a complete char device driver. The first step of driver writing is defining the...
[Principles of Computer System] UNIX File System Layering and Naming
[Linux Driver Development] LDD Reading: Ch.15 memory mapping and DMA
Chapter 15 Memory Mapping and DMA Memory mapping is one of the most interesting features of modern Unix systems. As far as drivers are concerned, memory mapping can be implemented to provide user p...
[CSAPP] Chapter 2: Data Representation
0. Bit-Level Operations in C For Practice Problem 2.13, we take advantage of this property: x ^ y = (x & not(y)) | (not(x) & y) 1. Integer number 1.1 Unsigned Encodings Figure 2.12 shows...
[CSAPP] Chapter 3: Machine Level Representation
1. Machine code Generate assembly code mstore.s: $ gcc -Og -S mstore.c Generate an object-code file mstore.o: $ gcc -Og -c mstore.c Check byte-encoding instructions, disassembler: $ objdump -d ...
[Nand to Tetris] 从0到1设计一台自己的计算机,最有趣的计算机系统课!
相信非计算机软件科班出身(我自己),但仍然因为热爱而从事计算机软件开发尤其是偏底层的嵌入式软件开发的同学们,在工作中随着技术领域的深入,或多或少都能体会到如果没有一个完整的计算机知识体系作为支撑, 很多技术细节总是有一种知其然但不知其所以然的感觉。 Fig.1 - Imagine a world without StackOverflow (image courtesy) Bui...
[mit6.004] Part 1: Instruction Set Architectures
A test page This is a title Hi, there!